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Foam close up 5th

Nancy Schmidt
Carillons Handbell Director
St. James Lutheran Church of Redding, CA

“This past summer, we traveled to Orlando, Florida for the 13th International Handbell Symposium. A couple of my bell ringers drove our four octaves of bells across the United States. We used Neil Gertner’s Ultimate Handbell Cases for the trip. His bell cases are smaller and lighter weight than our old cases. They are also weather tight which was a nice feature being in the high humidity states of the southern United States. The case handles are very sturdy and the cases roll just like luggage. The bells are easy to put in the case and get out as they go straight down into each slot instead of laying on their side. The cases also stack nicely on top of each other for easy storage in a tight place. Neil’s Ultimate Storage Case was a nice addition as it was big enough to hold our table coverings for 36 feet of tables, our 12 binders, and our mallets. This case was also air tight and had rollers. All in all I was very pleased with the cases for this trip. I highly recommend the Ultimate Handbell Cases.”

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Neil Gertner


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